Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go? I'm not talking figuratively by looking at my boys and wondering how they've gotten so big. I'm talking literally! Where does the time go? Here lately, I've really felt like there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm overwhelmed. I hate it. My house is a mess. I feel like I'm always coming or going in a hundred different directions. I think I could stay busy from the time that I walk in the door after work until I passed out from exhaustion and still not mark everything off my list that needs to be done.
There's always something--laundry, dinner, homework, cleaning up after dinner, putting the laundry away, sight words and reading books before bed, cleaning the rest of the house, grocery shopping, running errands. When does it end? And, I know that with the holidays coming, it's going to get even worse.

Pass the cheese, I'd like some to go with my whine!

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