Sunday, July 31, 2011

So far, so good!

Thursday morning, was my surgery for my wisdom teeth. It went great. The last thing I remember is Doc telling me I'll start feeling 'just fine' and the next thing I remember is walking in the house and laying on the couch. I was out, cold. Doc told Joe that it took all of nine minutes to get my teeth out, and over 20 for me to wake up enough they could send me home.

I spent Thursday drugged up on the couch. My face was numb the entire day, and I was groggy. But, I felt okay. I was able to keep my medicine down, and mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC were the tastiest thing I had ever put in my mouth. I spent most of the day Friday sleeping. When I wasn't sleeping, I was eating pudding and watching either Ally McBeal or NCIS. Yesterday morning, I slept. Then, I got brave and ventured out of the house.

So far, so good. My mouth is sore. But, I haven't shown any signs of a dry socket. And, overall, I feel okay. I'm still tired. I plan on taking it easy again today, I don't want to over-do it and then be miserable. I'm trying to decide if I want to lay by the pool, or just stay in where it's cool and lay on the couch. I'm not nearly as swollen or puffy as I thought I'd be. I'm very happy about that, because 'chipmunk' is not a look that I pull off real well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Very Worried Walrus"

When I was a little girl, I had all the books in the Sweet Pickles Series. And, even though "Very Worried Walrus" wasn't my favorite, it's the one that I'm thinking about.

I'm a 'worried walrus'......

I've been worried about the older gentleman that I work with. He's been ill, and was admitted to the hospital. When I spoke with him this morning, he sounded great, and I know that he'll be back to his sweet, ornery self in a few days.

I've been worried about Hankadoo on his trip to Holiday World today. I know that's normal. Anytime our babies are away from us, we worry. I know he's having a great time, and will be worn out when he gets home tonight. But, until I kiss those little freckles, I'll be worried.

I've been worried about having my wisdom teeth out. Worried is rather a weak term. I'm actually starting to freak out. I know that I'm in great hands, and that I'll be fine. But, I'm still freaking out. Normally, a three day work week tickles me to death. Not this week! I'd much rather be at work Thursday morning than having my wisdom teeth cut out. I actually emailed my doctor and asked if a shot of tequila and a Tylenol PM was out of the question before I went to bed Wednesday. I'm not supposed to have anything after midnight, he never said what I could and couldn't have at 11:45. He hasn't replied. I'm guessing that he didn't see the humor.

I wonder if Mom still has my Sweet Pickles books in the basement. Maybe next week, I can be "Goof-Off Goose"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Killing time on a Wednesday..

There isn't one thing in particular that is on my mind, or that I feel like writing about today. So, I'll just write a little of this and that.

•I had my consult with the oral surgeon yesterday. Everything is a go for having my wisdom teeth out next week. He said that they aren't as bad as he had anticipated, which is good. He said he'd put me out completely, and afterward, give me stuff to help prevent a dry socket. I know that he'll do everything he can to make sure I'm okay, but I also know that I will be freaking the hell out the morning of my surgery!!
•Tonight is the New Kids/Backstreet Boys concert. Truthfully, I'm more excited about seeing my sister than the actual concert. I don't think I've seen Stevie since Mother's Day. Kasey had originally planned to go, but ended up having to work. It will still be a good time. I just wish I had time to nap beforehand. I'm not a night-owl by any means, and I know come 9:30 tonight, my old, tired butt will be yawning and ready for my bed. Well, atleast my pajamas.
•Speaking of Kasey-- she and Mark found out that their little kidney bean is a girl! I'm so excited! I can't wait to have a niece. I can't wait to buy pink, and hairbows, and to spoil her rotten!
•I have FINALLY seen the scale move down! I've lost around 16/17 pounds since the beginning of the year. I still some to lose, but I can actually see a difference now, and that is so encouraging. My all-time favorite jeans that I haven't worn in a loooong time now fit. Well, 'fit' may not be the right word... I can get them on and zipped. That in itself is an accomplishment. It's not pretty, but I can get them on!! Now, I just need to work harder so they won't be skin tight and look painted on. I'd like to breathe while wearing them. That would be good.
•I haven't had my hair cut since April. I'm almost ashamed to admit that. But, the last time I had it cut, she cut it really, really short. So, it hasn't looked bad. Until this week. Now, it's gotten heavy, and has no shape. I need to go see Kelly and have her thin it out. I may have her cut it all off again, or I may let it grow out some. With me, there's always a hair dilemma.

That's all I have for today. I think I'll go kill time at, or my newest web addiction--Rants From Mommyland! I love those women. Their blog makes my day.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Like Momma, Like Son?

People always tell me how PJ looks like Joe and his brothers, and how Austin is built and has the same body language of my dad. I very seldom hear how any of the boys resemble me in any way. But, all traits aren't just physical.

Last night, we did a little shopping. PJ bought shoes, and Austin bought cheap sunglasses.

They do have some of their momma in them, after all!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Missing my lounge chair

This was my vacation view. I'm already missing my lounge chair.