Sunday, July 31, 2011

So far, so good!

Thursday morning, was my surgery for my wisdom teeth. It went great. The last thing I remember is Doc telling me I'll start feeling 'just fine' and the next thing I remember is walking in the house and laying on the couch. I was out, cold. Doc told Joe that it took all of nine minutes to get my teeth out, and over 20 for me to wake up enough they could send me home.

I spent Thursday drugged up on the couch. My face was numb the entire day, and I was groggy. But, I felt okay. I was able to keep my medicine down, and mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC were the tastiest thing I had ever put in my mouth. I spent most of the day Friday sleeping. When I wasn't sleeping, I was eating pudding and watching either Ally McBeal or NCIS. Yesterday morning, I slept. Then, I got brave and ventured out of the house.

So far, so good. My mouth is sore. But, I haven't shown any signs of a dry socket. And, overall, I feel okay. I'm still tired. I plan on taking it easy again today, I don't want to over-do it and then be miserable. I'm trying to decide if I want to lay by the pool, or just stay in where it's cool and lay on the couch. I'm not nearly as swollen or puffy as I thought I'd be. I'm very happy about that, because 'chipmunk' is not a look that I pull off real well.

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