Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm thankful for....

I've noticed that a lot of people on FB are changing their status to where they list one thing a day from now until the end of November that they are thankful for. And, while this is a great idea. I know I would miss a day. So, I thought I'd do a big list today. There's 30 days in November, so here are 30 things for which I'm thankful, not in any particular order, some serious and some not so much..
  1. My boys
  2. Joe
  3. My friends (Childhood, internet, military--I love them all!)
  4. My sisters
  5. Mom & Dad
  6. My grandmothers (I'm very lucky to still have both of them!)
  7. The rest of my crazy, hilarious family (They may be nuttier than squirrel poop, but they are wonderful!)
  8. Diet Coke (I'm not sure I could make it through my day without my beloved!)
  9. My job
  10. My sweet, mother-in-law.
  11. The internet
  12. Memories of my grandfather (Some of the younger grandkids won't have the precious memories of him that I do)
  13. Cable TV (Nothing beats a good re-run of 'The Golden Girls' to cheer me up)
  14. Caller ID
  15. Getting baptized & confirmed into the Catholic church (I may not be a regular at mass, but I know getting baptized with Kasey was one of the best decisions I ever made)
  16. My brother-in-laws (They have to be outstanding guys to put up with my sisters!)
  17. Texting
  18. Family Night at Home (A game of Scattergories is sure to bring a good time)
  19. Hankadoo still wanting to cuddle with me before he goes to sleep
  20. That the big boys still call me Momma, and tell me they love me
  21. Pumpkin Spice Latte
  22. Being able to laugh at myself
  23. A good hairdresser (As a woman, this is very important!)
  24. Kentucky (There really is no place like home)
  25. Learning from my mistakes
  26. Flipflops
  27. Comfort Food
  28. I'm healthy (Despite the whole malfunctioning thyroid!)
  29. Joe will always be the one to pump gas
  30. My life, in general

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I'm #3!!!
    Nothing like a PSL & Golden Girls to make a bad day good again!!

    I'm surprised pedicures didn't make the list!
