Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving...Then & Now

I love Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite days of the year.

When I was little, Thanksgiving was spent at Grandma & Papaw's. We'd spend the day eating, laughing, playing games and just enjoying our nutty family.

When Joe was in the Army, we never came home for Thanksgiving. We'd always stay at our duty station, have the single soldiers, and all our friends come to our house. I'd spend days cooking, baking & cleaning. There were years that I'd cook two turkeys and mash ten pounds of potatoes. I would make all the sides, and three different desserts. I'd have enough food to feed an Army. Well, maybe not the whole Army, but the motor pool, for sure. I was stressed, but it was worth it. Those Thanksgivings are still some of my favorite memories from our Army years.

Now that we are back home, Thanksgiving has changed. We go to three different places over the course of two days. I only have to fix a few dishes to take here and there. I can actually sit and watch the "Macy's Parade" with the boys. I can enjoy sitting on the couch after dinner and chatting with my sister-in-laws. I can watch the boys play in the yard with their cousins. I can hear the stories that Joe and his brothers tell.

It's about time to break out the stretchy pants. I'm ready to chow down. That part, hasn't changed.

1 comment:

  1. I miss hosting the single soldiers---they were always so happy to be somewhere on T'giving.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
