Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

What a weekend! And, it's just Saturday!

Thursday, I got up early to make my dishes to take to my in-laws, and watched part of the Macy's Parade w/Hankadoo. We had a very enjoyable day with Joe's family. The entertainment for the day was Baby Ellie. She's the only baby in the family, and is adorable. She's has bright red hair, huge blue eyes, and makes the cutest expressions. She had full attention. We ate, visited, and had a good time. I have never seen so much food in all my life. There were 15 desserts alone. Everything was delicious, and I really should have worn the stretchy pants.
The second stop of the day was at my Uncle & Aunt's. This is where the day became crazy! I've mentioned before that my family is nuttier than squirrel poop, and on days like Thursday, I'm convinced of that even more. I've never heard such stories in my life. I should have worn my boots, because it was deep. I think my uncles need to add BS Artist Extraordinaire after their names. People were laughing so hard they were crying, people were talking over each other, and there were ten different conversations going on at any given time. They may be loud, obnoxious and full of crap, but I love my dear family. We are a good time!

Yesterday, I was one of the crazy fools that went Black Friday shopping! And, I have to say, it wasn't bad. Saundra & I left late in comparison to the others, we left at 5:30am in comparison to the 2am like some I know. And, we were back home by 8am for me to make my desserts to take to Mom's. We went to Target, and even though the parking lot was full, we found a great spot to park. Yes! The day was off to a good start. I picked up some jeans for Hank, a few movies, a couple of DS games, and a few other little things. We found the shortest line, and only waited for maybe ten minutes before we checked out. It wasn't bad. We were feeling brave so we crossed the street to Wal-Mart. I guess everyone had already been there and left, because it was empty. There were more people there on Wedsnesday night grocery shopping. We picked up a few things, got a cup of coffee and called it a day.
We did Thanksgiving, Part Two at Mom & Dad's yesterday afternoon. We ate, played games, and called it an early night. We came home, watched some tv, and we were all asleep by ten.

Today, Hankadoo and I are going to see "Tangled" with some friends. I'm more excited than Hank. It looks so cute. I guess sometime between now and Monday morning, I need to do all the laundry, clean house, and put the Christmas tree up. Hank has been bugging the snot out of me for a week already to get the Christmas stuff out and decorate.

It's been a great Thanksgiving weekend. Pumpkin pie, crazy uncles,'s had it all!

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