Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Honey!

Joe turns 40 today! I've been giving him grief that he can no longer claim the thirties. I'm fixing his favorite birthday dinner tonight. Country Ham (yuck!), fried potatoes, biscuits and apple dumplins. It's the same dinner that his mom always fixed when he was growing up. She's taking him to lunch, and I'm fixing his birthday dinner. I somehow think I got the short end of that deal.
Hank gave him his card and birthday present this morning. I bought him the complete series of The Sopranos. And, I'm not even a Sopranos fan. I have a few more things planned, but that's still a suprise for now. If I tell, it will be the one time that he actually reads my blog!

Happy Birthday, Honey! The boys and I love you.

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