Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Sleepless Night

There's always something scary about the phone ringing in the middle of the night and waking you up. You don't get to wake up gradually, it's instant, the same as if someone dumped cold water on you. You're awake, wide awake. And, it scares you! When the phone rings in the middle of the night, there's something wrong.

My phone rang at 1:33 a.m.
Caller ID showed it was Austin.

My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. And, when I answered, there was noone there, just a little noise. I jumped up, and ran into his room...his bed was empty! I think I had a mini heart attack right there in the hallway. All kinds of thoughts go flying through my head. He's out with friends, they had a wreck, he's hurt, he's in trouble, etc, etc. I'm not very rational in the middle in the night. I come flying down the steps, turned the corner, and Austin is sitting at the computer. He looks up at me like I'm a crazy person and says, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Thank you, God! He's home and he's safe! I told him that he called me. He looked confused, and started looking at his phone to see how he managed to send his mother into cardiac distress. He's still not sure how he called me. He gave me a hug, said, "Mom, I'm fine. I've been here since I came home from work".

He patted me on the head, and sent me back to bed.

It took me a long time to settle down and go back to sleep. I truthfully don't know if I ever did. It's funny how your thought process can be in the middle of the night. I started thinking about all kinds of random things.... What kind of goodies to make for Christmas? Am I a bad mother? I wonder if Kohl's will have that sweater for Mom? Should I really let Hank play on the computer as much as he does? I really, really need to lose some weight. Where are my dark brown pants? Am I a sucky friend? Those are just some of the thoughts I had in the wee hours of the morning. Ugh.

I think my sleepless night wasn't just from Austin's phone calling me, but from the Sudafed I took before bed. I remember one time before that Sudafed kept me restless and awake most of the night. I took it on Thursday night, and slept just fine. So, who knows.
Hopefully, I can get in a nap today. But, who am I kidding? That won't happen.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your questions:

    Crackstacks are always good. I don't know about Kohl's. Make sure he's on educational sites. No, you really, really don't. Have you looked in the laundry? And no, you're an awesome friend!

    I hate that feeling of being jolted awake by a phone call during the night. Scariest thing ever. And since it was Austin's phone that must have freaked you out even more. Glad he's okay!
