Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I love the warm, fuzziness of holiday movies, and tv shows. They show such heartfelt emotion and everything works out in the end. Is there anything better than "It's a Wonderful Life" or "A Very Brady Christmas"?

Here's a confession.. I love the Christmas episode of "Family Guy".... I'm so ashamed! I normally hate Peter, Lois & Stewie and refuse to watch. But, the Christmas episode--LOVE IT!

Peter gives all the presents for the family to a charity (by mistake) and Lois handled it so well. They simply go to the mall and buy more. The house catches on fire, and Lois is okay. But, then when there isn't any paper towels, she loses it! And, I don't mean just getting grumpy. She goes Christmas Crazy! She pushes George Bailey off the bridge, she sets Frosty on fire, and she climbs the town Christmas tree. She's yelling and cussing. They end up shooting her with a tranquilizer gun, and Lois spends Christmas Day in a rocking chair, drooling.

For me, that episode of "Family Guy" is the most realistic of all the holiday specials! How many women can relate? I always joke that will be me (or my mom!) in a few years.

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