Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Poor, Peanut

Hank went to stay with the aunts this past weekend. They were going to watch Christmas movies, and make cookies. On Saturday, he had a little cough, so I sent his cough medicine with Andrew when he came to pick him up. Yesterday, my sister sent me a text and said that Hank was puny, and that he should probably get into the doctor. She said he sounded like he had pneumonia. And, since she's a pediatric nurse, her guess is a lot better than mine. Hank's had pneumonia the past three years, so I picked up the phone and made him an appointment.

When I came home from work yesterday, he was just pitiful. I could tell he was running a fever, and that he just didn't feel good. His eyes were red, and he sounded bad. We spent most of the night on the couch watching 'The Simpson's'.

Joe took him to the doctor earlier this morning. His doctor said that it was just a severe head cold/sinuses, and that his chest was clear, it wasn't pneumonia. I was surprised considering how his cough sounds. The doctor also said that with having pneumonia several years in a row like he has, that's it's more than likely some sort of allergy that is the beginning factor, and the pneumonia is the end result.

He prescribed a Z-pack, and some eye drops. I'm not a fan of the Z-pack. It seems like there's JUST enough medicine for them to feel better, but it doesn't kick it completely. And, I'm not totally convinced that Hank doesn't have pneumonia. I told Joe that I wouldn't be surprised if we are back in there in a few weeks.

I'm hoping Hankadoo will get better by the weekend. There's nothing worse than feeling bad on Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Z-packs because it seems to knock out whatever is ailing you. I hope Hankadoo doesn't have pneumonia & you're all able to enjoy Christmas!
