Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Memories

I'm a firm believer that Christmas is a time for nostalgia. A time to look back at years past and smile from warm, heartfelt memories. A time to talk about family traditions, and where they started. A time to remember the loved ones that we've lost, and to honor their memory.

My grandfather, Papaw Bill, was the most festive, full of holiday cheer, person that I've ever met. He loved Christmas, and he would just shine the whole month of December. He and my Grandmother were square dancers, and on Christmas Eve, my grandfather would wear his square dance vest that was full of bling and sequins. When I say he shined, I mean he SHINED!

I miss him terribly. Yesterday, my mom and I were talking about how Hank is all about decorating for Christmas, and making goodies, etc. I told her I wish Papaw was still with us, how he and Hank would have the best time together. She agreed that they would be quite the pair together.

My favorite memories of my grandfather center around Christmas. Every year, we'd spend one day together right before Christmas. It was just me and him, the 'little' kids couldn't come. My sisters hated it, and I would just smile and wave as we drove off. We'd run errands for my grandmother, we'd do last minute shopping, we'd deliver fruit baskets to people from the church that were less fortunate, we'd have lunch together, and then we'd go back home to make candy. We'd dip pretzels, peanut butter filled Ritz crackers, Oreos, and pretty much anything that he thought chocolate would be good on. He'd tell me stories of when he was a little boy, when he was a soldier, and when my dad and his siblings were kids. It was always the best day of the year.
The picture is of my grandfather, and my sister, Stevie, when she was a baby.
I love his handlebar moustache, and to this day, I can smell Captain Black pipe tobacco and see him.

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