Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A little less Grinch, please.

It's hard to find holiday cheer when people piss you off.
Just sayin'....

I feel rather Grinch-ish today! Maybe I should have worn my green sweater. I shouldn't be in such a foul mood. I'm just frustrated, I suppose. It amazes me how my co-worker can drive me crazy and she hasn't even made it to work yet. And, I'm frustrated with the help, or lack there of, around the house. I know it will all get done, but I'm betting that I'll be the only one doing it. I really don't think anyone but me cares if the bathrooms are dirty, or that all the wrapping paper is still out, or that I don't want to spend my days off doing laundry.

I'm only working 1/2 day, then I'm having lunch with Maria. After that, I'll go home to check on my Hank (who was feeling much better yesterday afternoon, but became puny again before bed,) clean house (because it's a disaster!), and maybe, if I'm lucky Hank and I will get around to making our holiday goodies. We're going to dip pretzels, make peanut butter balls, two types of Chex mix, and Oreo balls. I'd like to take some goodies to the girls at the tanning bed, and our buddy, Kirb, who Hank adores. Maybe then I won't be so Grinch-like.

"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch......."

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo, that would make Hank Cindy Lou Who? Or the Grinch's cute little happy dog?
