Monday, May 9, 2011

A Happy Ending

On Thursday, my wallet was stolen. It was stolen from my office while I was either in the break room, or in another office. Luckily, I realized that it was missing not long after it happened, and was able to call the bank, and my credit card companies immediately to alert them. My bank card was frozen, and the credit card companies cancelled the cards. I started thinking about other things that were in my wallet--insurance cards, Sam's Club Card, gift cards, Kohl's cash, etc. etc. I was mad because it was my Vera Bradley wallet that I just bought a few months ago, and love! It was not a good afternoon, obviously.

Yesterday afternoon, Joe and I were out running an errand, and my phone rings. PJ says, "Mom, I'm about to tell you something that will make your day much better-- the Sheriff's Department just brought your wallet, and it appears that nothing is missing!"

I couldn't believe it. I just knew that my wallet was gone. I never thought for a minute that I'd get it back. Much less, getting it back with nothing missing!

Sometimes there are happy endings!

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