Friday, May 13, 2011

Frankly, My Dear........

Oh, how I love "Gone with the Wind"..... I think every woman should have a little Scarlett O'Hara in her. She has fire. She has determination. She has strength. She has that look that can stop you in your tracks. There are so many great quotes. At some point, I think every woman has pulled a 'Scarlett' and said the "As God as my witness, I will never.............."

My famous Scarlett reference: "As God as my witness, I will never mow grass again!"

I haven't touched a lawnmower in over 8 years!

Just like every woman needs some Scarlett, every man needs a little Rhett Butler. He's dapper. He's charming. He looks amazing in a suit.

I can watch "Gone w/the Wind" over and over. I've watched it on TV, I had it on VHS tapes, I have it on DVD. And, tomorrow, I'll go see it again on the big screen. Several years ago, our old theater underwent a restoration to restore the theater back to what it looked like many years ago in it's prime. Now, the theater will have concerts, plays, and show old movies. There's something so nostalgic about watching Scarlett & Rhett's love affair on the big screen. It's captivating. It reminds me all over why I love the movie the way I do.

1 comment:

  1. I SO wish I could go see it with you!! Although we'd probably have to sit far away from everyone else because we'd be running dialog the whole time & saying things like "OMG, I LOVE this scene" Hope you have a great time
