Monday, January 24, 2011

I have...

--ordered our tickets for The Oaks! Now, the search for a hat begins!
--scheduled a few vacation days for 2011.
--been going to the gym on a semi-regular basis. I *think* I may have even lost a few pounds. Go, me!
--kept up w/my Project 365, where I take a picture every day of the year. I'm sure by May I will be out of things to take a picture of! It's not even the end of January and I have thought, 'what will my picture be today?'
--decided that the Thirty-One Gifts catalog is pure evil! They have such cute stuff!


  1. 1) YAY!
    2) More Yay! What are you doing?
    3) Super YAY!
    4) I KNOW---it's tricky to find something photo-worthy
    5) So evil. I bought the Large Utility Tote (St. Andrews Garden w/ my monogram of course) back in Nov. & want to get the coordinating Picnic Tote & Storage Tote. I bought the lunch tote for MIL for Christmas & am thinking that's what Sunshine will need next year for school w/ the matching messenger bag. Monogrammed, of course.

  2. 2)I'm taking a vacation day for The Oaks, and then taking some for the houseboat trip!
    4)Today's picture my be my sweater that looked like it would fit in the store, but is really big now that I have it on. Grrr.
    5)I have the Albany bag w/my initials in hot pink (Duh!) and now I'm wanting the organizer wallet.
