Tuesday, January 11, 2011


There have been two things today that left me saying, "Again?"

  1. The boys have a snow day. Again. They were out for snow before Christmas, they were out last Friday, and they are out again today. At this rate, they will be in school all summer. While the kids love snow days, I'm not fan. Snow days are a pain in the butt. I'm sure I'd like them more if I had them, too. I'd love for work to close earlier so I could go home and snuggle w/Hankadoo on the couch and watch "Big Momma's House"--again! He is on a huge "Big Momma" kick. He's probably watched both the movies forty times each over the past two weeks.
  2. I smashed my finger and thought I may have to go have an xray. Again. I did this earlier in the year, and spent two hours at the acute care clinic having an xray on my pinkie. I had smashed it in a paper binding machine. Luckily, it wasn't broken. Today, it's my middle finger. I smashed it while changing the water bottle out in our break room. I'm not going to lie, it hurt like hell, and I had tears in my eyes. I really thought for a few minutes that I may have broken it. But, I know that it's just bruised. It's obvious that it's bruised. It's purple. I pulled a Scarlett O'Hara and did a "As God as my witness, I will never change the water again!"

There's my Tuesday. I imagine the boys will have another snow day tomorrow. Again.

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