Monday, February 21, 2011

The problem with well laid plans...

Most government offices are closed today in honor of Presidents' Day. My office, however, is not. I would have liked to have been off today. It seems today was another Monday morning where I look around the house and think of all the things that I meant to do over the weekend, and didn't.

This weekend was busy. Saturday we ran some errands, went to a birthday party, and then Joe & I went to Louisville to see 'Mamma Mia' at the Kentucky Center. It was GREAT! I will definitely go again when it comes back to the area. Our original plan was to leave early and go have dinner before the show at The Olde Spaghetti Factory. I was looking forward to this as much as the show itself. But, like most well laid plans, that didn't happen. We stayed to long at my little buddy Jenna's birthday party. By the time we got on the road, we realized we weren't going to have time. So, our yummy dinner at the Spaghetti Factory turned into a quick stop at Arby's! Not what I had in mind, but the stop at Krispy Kreme after the show almost made up for it. Really, is there anything better than a warm Krispy Kreme donut at midnight?

Yesterday, the plan was to buy a new couch. We realized the sectional that we wanted was just too large for our living room. Like most well laid plans, that didn't happen. We scraped the sectional idea, and settled for just a regular size sofa. The money that we saved ended up going towards a new dining room table & chairs. That wasn't in the plan at all. But, I'm very happy with our purchase. I have been wanting a new table, but said that it could wait. Sometimes, I'm just not very good at waiting.

Due to our change in furniture purchases yesterday, we had to do more shuffling and rearranging than we had anticipated. That in turn, lead to not getting all the laundry washed & put away. Again, those well laid plans.... they just never turn out the way I had planned!

That brings me back to wishing I was off today. That way, I could get the laundry done, the bathrooms clean, and everything else that I meant to do and didn't.

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