Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What a busy week.....

Do things ever slow down? This is one busy week! Last night was soccer practice. Then, we went to Mom & Dad's to see the cupcake tower that dad made for Stevie's reception. We ended up getting home later than I wanted, and Hank went right to bed. Tonight, we have the Book Parade at Hank's school. I love the book parade, it's so cute to see all the classes make 'floats' and dress up as characters from their favorite books. I think his class is doing "The Rainbow Fish" and all the kids are wearing tie-dyed tee shirts. The kids throw candy to the parents as they go down the parade route.

Thursday is our county employee picnic, and once again, I'm heading it up. Nothing like buying enough food, drinks, paper products, etc. for roughly 350 people. Sam's Club loves me this time of year. On Wednesday, I'll go get all the plates, cups, and non-perishables. Thursday morning, I'll pick up the 15 pork loins, and 85 pounds of potato salad. Hopefully, the hot stuff will arrive in time, so that we can get Carry-Out boxes packed before the masses show up to eat. I always get nervous a day or two before the picnic. I want things to go as smoothly as possible.

At some point, I have to go to the grocery and buy a ton of powdered sugar, cream cheese, eggs, vanilla, and everything else on my baking list. Friday is cupcake day! I'm going to try and start making the gum paste leaves on Thursday night, and then start baking at the buttcrack of dawn on Friday. I'm going to do one set of cupcakes at a time from start to finish. I don't want forty-seven bowls and utencils everywhere. The baking won't be a big deal, just the frosting. And, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my attempt to make pretty gum paste leaves will be successful.

Hank has a soccer game both Friday night and Saturday morning. The reception is late afternoon, Saturday. But, we'll have to go up early and help set up. PJ starts wrestling practice this week. Austin starts working at the grocery store. I was hoping to sneak in some time to get my nails done, and a pedi...but I'm not sure if I can squeeze that in or not. The boys need haircuts. I'd like to tan. Laundry is piling up, and the bathroom needs to be cleaned.

I need a clone!

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