Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Anything can happen in 2nd grade

Yesterday afternoon, Hank's teacher called me at work. This is never a good sign. It means whatever the reason for the phone call is bigger than just sending a note home.  I could hear the apprehension and nervousness in her voice as she said, "I've been dreading this call, there was an incident today and..." Again, not a good sign. I'm thinking to myself, 'Oh lord, what did he do? This is not good!' and after a few seconds pause she blurts out, "Hank was peed on in the bathroom!"

She goes on to explain that another little boy wanted to see if he could pee straight up. And, well, that didn't work to well for him because he ended up peeing on Hank's shirt sleeve! His teacher was mortified as she was telling me the story. She assured me that they scrubbed Hank's arm down, gave him a new shirt, etc, etc.

I'm not sure what she thought my reaction would be, but I started laughing! I have three boys, I understand how little boys think and the things they do. After I started laughing, Ms. N finally relaxed some. If she was that scared to call me, I wonder how she did calling the mom of the boy that did the peeing! How do you have that conversation?

I told her that I appreciated the phone call, that it was all good, and that I couldn't wait to hear what Hank had to say about it.

Me: Hey Hank, how was your day?
Hank: Good. I made a 102% on my math test, and we played soccer at after school.
Me: Did anything interesting happen?
Hank: No.
Me: Really? Then why do you have on a different shirt?
Hank: Awww man, Ms. N told you!
Me: Yes. (And then I start to giggle!) What happened?
Hank: (Looking dead serious) Some kid peed on me. What else do you want me to say? It's not like that was the best part of my day.

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