Friday, August 19, 2011

Rough Week

I have never been so glad to see a week come to an end as I am today. TGIF doesn't even begin to say it. This has been a really rough week for me. And, Hankadoo.

Poor Hank. First, he falls off his scooter and skins/bangs his knee up pretty bad. There was blood, and tears. He usually gets up, brushes himself off, and continues playing. When he came in the house with blood running down his leg, and crying, I was worried. We bandaged him up, put some ice on the knee, and he took some Motrin before going to bed. Poor kiddo took a bad fall. That was Monday. On Wednesday, his teacher calls. While playing at recess, Hank falls from the monkey bars. He basically did a face plant onto the mulch. His teacher said that his nose was bloody, and bruised but she didn't think it was broken. I think I need to buy stock in the Band-Aid company, and Neosporin. The knee is healing, but his poor little face still looks rough. His nose is bruised, swollen and scabbed. He has scratches on his cheek, and above his lips. I just want to say "Ouch" every time I see him. Oh, also on Wednesday, he had a nightmare that the crazy Nigerian guy that lives close to us was trying to handcuff him and his friend and take them to jail! He woke up scared, and wanted me hold his hand. He snuggled up so close to me that I couldn't have slid a piece of paper between us. Hank told me this morning, "I'm sure glad this week is over!"........ Me too, buddy!

And while dealing with banged up knees, bruised noses, and dreams about crazy men, I was also dealing with a few other things that have caused a little stress. There was some confusion, hurt feelings, drama and tears this week that left my sister not knowing if she even wants a baby shower. It's a huge mess that I hope gets worked out.  We're supposed to be celebrating, not having drama! My grandmother had a medical procedure over the weekend, and hasn't done real well this week. She also received some pretty crappy care at her follow-up visit, which makes me furious because she did exactly what her doctors and nurses told her to do.  While I was trying to learn something new at work,  my 'teacher' was an idiot and needed help herself. Don't blame me that it isn't working when I followed your instructions! Throw in the every day things to deal with like laundry, homework, supper, getting grumpy kids up in the mornings, and it makes for one rough week.

I'm ready for a few DVR'd episodes of "I Love Lucy", some pizza, and a cold beer!

Next week has to be better!

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