Saturday, March 3, 2012

Counting our blessings

 Yesterday, I wrote about how we had severe weather warnings, tornadoes coming, etc. As the day progressed, the weather alerts kept getting upgraded. Our weather alert went to a level 9. Level 10 is the highest. The schools started dismissing classes early, businesses started closing early. We closed county government at three o'clock. I picked up Hankadoo from after-school, and ran into Big Lots for flashlights, then we came home and settled in for what could be a very scary afternoon/night. I turned the TV on, put the batteries in the flashlight, and made space in the laundry room in case we needed to seek shelter. We sat and watched the weather, we looked out the doors and windows, we heard the warning sirens several times. We had rain and wind. After a few minutes of regular spring weather, the skies cleared, and we had a beautiful rainbow over our town.

A small town an hour and a half north of here wasn't so lucky.

This is a picture of the tornado that struck Henryville, Indiana. It pretty much wiped the town off the map. Houses were leveled, businesses blown off their foundations. The destuction is everywhere. My heart breaks for this community. And, I know that it could have been very well been us. It could have been our high school gym destroyed. It could have been my friends who died in the storm. It could have been my loved ones who lost their homes.

As I sit and drink my coffee this morning, I'm counting my blessings. As well as everyone else in our area.

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